Woman experiencing tooth crown pain

Tooth Crown Pain: Causes, Treatments, and Aftercare Tips

If you just got a dental crown in Upland California, you might feel pain and increased sensitivity in the affected area. Do not worry, that’s pretty normal. However, that sensation should not last more than two weeks. It should be getting better every day.

If your newly installed crown is still causing you pain and discomfort that does not subside after two weeks, there is something wrong. It may be due to some reasons that should be addressed right away.

In this article, we will tackle those issues and provide solutions to help you deal with the pain and discomfort you are experiencing. Learn the causes, treatments, and tooth crown aftercare tips here for a faster recovery.

What’s causing your tooth crown pain?

Dental crowns are a good way to repair teeth that have been broken. However, just like natural teeth, they can still cause problems, including toothache.

Let us take a look at common problems that most people encounter:


If you are experiencing prolonged pain and sensitivity, it may be a sign of infection surrounding your dental crown. Bacteria can enter the space where the crown and tooth connect. This will cause pain and irritation. Early detection of signs like puffiness or an off taste is important to stop further complications.


Always maintain good oral hygiene. If you ignore it, tooth decay or cavities may develop at the tooth-crown border because the tooth beneath the dental crown is still alive.  This will cause sharp pain and increased sensitivity to hot and cold foods and beverages. 

To preserve the integrity of the crown and avoid discomfort, routine dental examinations with an Upland dentist are important for the early detection and treatment of cavities.

Swollen gums

Do you have swollen gums after getting a crown? The reason behind it varies on how quickly you react to the newly installed crowns.

  • Immediate reaction: Poorly fitting crowns can irritate gums which leads to discomfort. Additionally, crowns positioned too deep beneath the gumline can cause irritation, inflammation, and potential infection. Your swollen gums may also be due to excess cement which can occur when your dentist fails to thoroughly remove the cement used to bond crowns to your teeth.
  • Delayed reaction: Gum diseases like gingivitis and periodontitis may cause swollen gums. However, crowns containing nickel or other base metals can trigger allergic reactions, leading to inflammation of your gums.

Crown fractures

Beware of biting down hard objects with your crowns. This may damage your crowns and cause cracks. It will not always cause immediate pain but also cause heightened sensitivity to hot or cold food and beverages. It might lead to extreme discomfort and even pain. Cracked crowns may also be prone to bacteria build-up, which will cause further damage and complications to your teeth if not given proper attention.

Teeth grinding

Bruxism, also referred to as teeth grinding, is the involuntary clenching or grinding of teeth. Over time, this excessive pressure may lead to chipping or cracking of crowns. To cure bruxism naturally, find ways to manage your stress (a good night’s rest will help a lot).

Crowns don’t fit properly

A poorly fitted crown may have gaps around the gum line, feel loose, or cause pain when you bite down on it. It’s essential to see your dentist ASAP to address this because it may cause other issues like sensitivity and infection.

Best Ways to Treat Dental Crown Pain

Understanding the cause of your dental crown pain is crucial for getting treatment early and preventing further problems. Luckily, there are simple ways to manage pain in the comfort of your home while waiting for your dental appointment. You may try the following to find relief:

  • Take over-the-counter pain relievers – Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen helps in reducing swelling and pain. Consult your dentist in Upland for a higher dose of medication.
  • Use desensitizing toothpaste (Sensodyne, Colgate Sensitive, etc.) – it can numb nerve endings providing you with some relief from sensitivity.
  • Warm saltwater rinses – salt + warm water can help in reducing pain and discomfort.
  • Cold compress – Wrap ice in a towel and apply it on your cheek near the affected tooth.
  • Sticking to soft foods – this will put less pressure on the affected tooth.

Remember, the best way to prevent dental crown pain is by maintaining proper dental hygiene. Do not forget to brush and floss daily.

When to Seek Help from an Upland Dentist?

If your tooth pain is severe or doesn’t go away within two weeks after getting a crown, it may be a sign of a serious dental issue. Visit your dentist in Upland California right away, to fix the problem before it leads to further problems.

At Upland Dental Practice, we can help you with your tooth crown pain. We can provide you with, root canal treatment, a crown replacement, or tooth removal depending on the circumstances. Book an appointment now! You deserve a smile that radiates confidence and lets your true self shine through.



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